W | ||||||||
外汇(转)贷款登记证 | foreign exchange sub-loan registration certificate | |||||||
外经贸部 | Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation | |||||||
(MOFTEC) | ||||||||
外债登记证 | foreign loan registration certificate | |||||||
未分配利润 | unallocated profit | |||||||
未结束租赁 | executory lease--a lease that has not been fully | |||||||
performed by the parties to it. | ||||||||
违背 | counter to | |||||||
违法行为 | illegal acts | |||||||
违反 | violate | |||||||
违约 | default | |||||||
违约方 | defaulting party | |||||||
违约金 | break a contract fine | |||||||
违约救济 | default remedies | |||||||
违约事件 | event of default | |||||||
无偿 | gratuitous | |||||||
无偿转让财产 | assigns property without consederetion | |||||||
无形资产 | intangible assets | |||||||
X | ||||||||
瑕疵 | defect | |||||||
先进先出 | first in, first out | |||||||
现金流量 | cash flow | |||||||
现金流量表 | statement of cash flow | |||||||
现值 | present value | |||||||
向银行借款 | bank loan | |||||||
项目 | project | |||||||
项目建议书 | request for proposal | |||||||
项目融资 | project financing | |||||||
销货成本 | cost of goods sold | |||||||
消费者租赁 | consumer lease--generally, a lease which has as its | |||||||
primary purpose, personal, family or household | ||||||||
purposes. In some places, certain agricultural leases | ||||||||
may be considered consumer leases. | ||||||||
效力 | validity | |||||||
销售费用 | selling expense | |||||||
销售税 | sales tax | |||||||
行政开支 | administration expense | |||||||
行政法规 | administrative regulations | |||||||
行政管理部门 | administrative authority | |||||||
信贷申请书 | credit application | |||||||
信贷质量 | credit quality | |||||||
选择权 | option | |||||||
虚假情况 | false information | |||||||
续租 | renew the lease | |||||||
Y | ||||||||
验收 | acceptance | |||||||
业绩 | performance | |||||||
溢价 | premium | |||||||
一致性原则 | consistency principle | |||||||
意向书 | letter of intent(LoI) | |||||||
银行费 | bank charge | |||||||
银行往来帐 | bank reconciliation sheet | |||||||
印花税 | stamp duty | |||||||
应付抵押贷款 | mortgages payable | |||||||
应付福利费 | welfare benefits payable | |||||||
应付工资 | accrued payrolls | |||||||
应付票据 | bills payable | |||||||
应付债券 | debentures payables | |||||||
应付帐款 | accounts payable | |||||||
应计 | accrued | |||||||
应收补贴款 | government subsidies receivable | |||||||
应收票据 | biills receivable | |||||||
应收债券折价 | discount on bonds payable | |||||||
应收帐款 | accounts receivable | |||||||
营业税 | business tax | |||||||
营业执照 | business license | |||||||
盈余公积 | reserved surplus | |||||||
业务合同 | business contract | |||||||
业务招待费 | entertainment expense | |||||||
友好解决 | amicable settle | |||||||
友好协议 | amicable agreement | |||||||
优惠利率 | prime interest rate | |||||||
优惠政策 | preferential policy | |||||||
有时(不经常) | from time to time | |||||||
有限责任公司 | limited liability company | |||||||
余额 | outstanding balance; portfolio size | |||||||
预付 | prepayment | |||||||
预付款 | advance payment | |||||||
预收 | precollecte | |||||||
预收帐款 | advances from customers | |||||||
预提费用 | withheld expenses | |||||||
原始记录薄 | book of original entry | |||||||
原始凭证 | source document | |||||||
(由当事人)约定 | to be agreed upon by parties | |||||||
约定不明确 | not explicitly stipulated | |||||||
运营成本 | operating cost | |||||||
运营费用 | operating expense | |||||||
运营收入 | operating revenue | |||||||
运输 | carriage | |||||||
Z | ||||||||
再保险 | reinsurance | |||||||
自然人 | natural person | |||||||
赞助支出 | donation payment | |||||||
增缴资本 | additional pay-in capital | |||||||
增值税 | value-added tax | |||||||
债券 | bond | |||||||
债权人 | creditor | |||||||
债务人 | debtor | |||||||
占有 | possess | |||||||
章程 | charter | |||||||
帐单 | account charge | |||||||
招标公告 | announcement of an invitation to tender | |||||||
招股说明书 | share prospectuses | |||||||
招投标程序 | the procedures for the invitation and submission | |||||||
招投标买卖 | a sale by tender | |||||||
争议 | dispute | |||||||
证明 | evidance | |||||||
证券化 | securitisation | |||||||
执行 | enforce | |||||||
质押 | pledge | |||||||
直接冲销法 | direct write off method | |||||||
直接租赁 | direct lease--a non-leveraged lease, i.e. a lease | |||||||
wherein equipment is acquired without use of any | ||||||||
recourse debt; also known as a single-investor lease. | ||||||||
指导原则 | guideline | |||||||
制造厂家出租人 | manufacturer lessor--a lessor who is a divison or a | |||||||
wholly owned subsidiary of a manufacturer. | ||||||||
主租赁 | master lease --- a lease comprised of two parts: | |||||||
(1) a document which sets forth the general terms and | ||||||||
conditions applicable to all subsequent leases between | ||||||||
the parties and | ||||||||
(2) one or more schedules in which various leased | ||||||||
property is added. | ||||||||
滞纳金 | overdue fine | |||||||
知识产权 | intellectual property | |||||||
折旧 | depreciation | |||||||
折现率 | discount rate | |||||||
折现租赁 | discounted lease--a lease which is transferred to a | |||||||
funding source at price reflecting the discounting of the | ||||||||
lease payments to present value. | ||||||||
资本租赁 | capital lease--a lease for accounting and financial | |||||||
statement purposes which must be shown on the | ||||||||
balance sheet of the lessee as a capital liability of | ||||||||
the lessee. | ||||||||
资本公积 | reserves | |||||||
资产负债比 | debt-to-equity ratio--the ratio of borrowings to capital | |||||||
investment in either an asset or a business. | ||||||||
资产负债表 | balance sheet | |||||||
咨询费 | consulting fee | |||||||
中国人民银行 | People's Bank of China | |||||||
中国外商投资企业协会 | China Association of Enterprises with Foreign | |||||||
Investments | ||||||||
终止协议 | termination agreement | |||||||
中外合资经营企业 | Sino-foreign equity JV | |||||||
中外合作经营企业 | Sino-foreign contractual JV | |||||||
中止 | suspend | |||||||
终止 | dischage | |||||||
仲裁裁决 | arbitral award | |||||||
仲裁机构 | arbitral institution | |||||||
重大过失 | gross negligence | |||||||
重大误解 | major mistake | |||||||
主张 | assert | |||||||
住房基金 | housing fund | |||||||
注销 | write off | |||||||
专用帐户 | designated account | |||||||
转租赁 | sublease | |||||||
转租承租人 | sublessee | |||||||
转租出租人 | sublessor | |||||||
资本租赁 | capital lease--a lease for accounting and financial | |||||||
statement purposes which must be shown on the | ||||||||
balance sheet of the lessee as a capital liability of the | ||||||||
lessee. Compare operating lease. | ||||||||
总分类帐 | general ledger | |||||||
总会计师 | chief accountant | |||||||
总资产报酬率 | return on total assets (ROA) | |||||||
总租赁 | gross lease--a lease in which the lessor is liable for | |||||||
insurance, property taxes, maintenance expenses | ||||||||
and the like. | ||||||||
租购 | hire-purchase | |||||||
租赁成本 | leasing principal | |||||||
租赁方案 | lease proposal | |||||||
租赁设备 | leased equipment | |||||||
租赁物 | leased things | |||||||
租赁物件 | leased articles | |||||||
租赁物件明细表 | leasing registor | |||||||
租赁业委员会 | Leasing Business Committee | |||||||
租赁资产 | leased property | |||||||
租赁总协议 | master lease agreement | |||||||
租金 | lease repayment | |||||||
租金不固定的租赁 | variable payment lease | |||||||
租金进成本 | rent is deducted | |||||||
租金拖欠 | rent arrearage | |||||||
租期 | lease term | |||||||
租期不固定的租赁 | variable term lease | |||||||
最高人民法院 | the Supreme People's Court of China | |||||||
最终用户 | end user | |||||||
遵循诚信原则 | abide by the principle of good faith | |||||||
遵循公平原则 | abide by the principle of fairness |